If you're wondering who or what this is, let me give you a brief summary of the reasoning behind this page. One day I decided it would be cool to go around taking pictures of a certain figure everywhere I went. That figure turned out to be a small lego figure. The 1st time I took the pictures was in the train station and after showing the results to a few people and getting awesome feedback I decided to keep going and what you see are the results of me carrying this little guy in my jacket pocket everywhere. I used different cameras but mostly I use my Casio Exilim point and shoot. The quality wont be top notch, but hopefully I can one day be able to afford a professional camera and you guys will enjoy the full potential of Officer PePe. THANK YOU FOR VISITING THE PAGE AND PLEASE LEAVE REAL FEEDBACK.
UPDATE: 9/6/2G11 I now have a much better camera (canon 7d) and great lenses, I will be posting new pictures with new characters this week!
Here is Officer De La Cruz over the the Hanry Hudson PKWY with a nice view of the George Washington Bridge, and right on the road. These were by far the most dangerous pictures Dj Boy has ever taken. he cars were literally less than a foot away from him and Officer De La Cruz going at 50mph on average. They made for awesome pictures so I hope you guys enjoy em! ENJOY